
The ‘Pulcini’ of Casiraghy. Typography and poetry

The city of Milan is one of the cores of Italian publishing. And so an exhibition of artist books seems almost obligatory. This time the occasion is a curious one, dedicated to the joy of savoir faire: the more than 200 volumes on exhibit, in fact, were all entirely crafted by the expert hands of Alberto Casiraghy, owner of the famous Pulcinoelefante publishing house. An extraordinary craftsman, despite the advent of new technologies, Alberto Casiraghy ​​stubbornly insists on making everything by hand in his home/studio in Osnago (LC): by hand, he cuts the fine ivory paper, hand sews the binding with needle and thread, composes by hand and prints the pages with movable type and a Nebiolo flat bed press. Each work is unique. They are small, light, playful masterpieces, where imagination is more important than technique. “I'm an alchemist”, says the smiling artist-craftsman, who has worked with such great poets and painters as Alda Merini, Andy Warhol, Gillo Dorfles, and Enrico Baj.

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“Artigiano del Cuore” contest: applications open until June 3

Kicking off the 7th Edition of the “Artigiano del Cuore” contest, promoted by the Cologni Foundation and the Wellmade platform. This year, the contest is aimed at artisans and craft businesses based throughout Italy and carrying on an art craft. The goal is to help them tell the story of the value and uniqueness of […]


Online tickets for Homo Faber 2024

Online i biglietti per Homo Faber 2024 Available on the vivaticket.com platform are tickets for “Homo Faber. The Journey of Life,” September 1-30, 2024, at the Giorgio Cini Foundation on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Visit the site to discover all the concessions and purchase your admission for this journey, a tribute […]


Great success for Doppia Firma and the exhibitions of “Arts & Crafts & Design”

As many as 14,000 visitors to Villa Mozart, which, on the occasion of Design Week 2024, was transformed into the scenic setting for three initiatives on the marriage of design culture and savoir-faire, all united under the umbrella of “Arts & Crafts & Design. Doppia Firma. Dialogues between design thinking and high craftsmanship, now in […]


Doppia Firma 2024 at Villa Mozart in Milan

On the occasion of the 2024 edition of Salone del Mobile, Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte is pleased to present the eighth edition of “Doppia Firma. A dialogue between design and artisanal excellence” a project developed with Living, the interiors, design and lifestyle magazine of Corriere della Sera, under the patronage of the Michelangelo Foundation […]