
Reopens to the public Mirabilia. A Wunderkammer to discover the Milanese art professions

20/10/2020 - 04/04/2021

After the long closure caused by the pandemic, the exhibition Mirabilia, curated by the Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte, is finally back with the reopening of the Triennale. Free entrance, it will be open until April 4, for the moment from Tuesday to Friday, from 11am to 9:30pm. Entrances will be limited and all safety regulations strictly applied. Fondazione Cologni and Triennale Milano have started a collaboration to present the cycle of exhibitions Mestieri d'Arte e Design. Crafts Culture, which offer a new point of view on contemporary applied arts. The first project of the collaboration is Mirabilia, which brings together a series of extraordinary objects by great Milanese craftsmen, between Renaissance heritage and contemporary high manufacturing. On display are about forty works that represent the "secrets of the trade" of artisanal ateliers and manufactures in Milan, produced in unique pieces of profound artistic and cultural significance. Special and significant works, objects, or rather "goods", for which the value of the handmade evokes the centrality of artisan talent and the dialogue with the design creativity for which Milan is rightly famous. The exhibition is enriched by four sought-after Renaissance objects, lent by important cultural institutions, which are related to contemporary creation. Mirabilia, therefore, has the intent to federate, around the values of high craftsmanship, the main Milanese institutions related to the applied arts such as the Milan Foundation, the Poldi Pezzoli Museum, the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, the Trivulziana Library, the Civic Collections of Applied Arts of the Sforza Castle, the Civic School of Violin Making of the City of Milan. The Quadreria is set up and presented as a contemporary version of the Renaissance cabinet de curiosités: the works are arranged according to an ideal symbolic order, to achieve the result of astonishment and wonder with sometimes surprising passages between one piece and another, to enhance the different scale of perception.

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