The appeal to save arts and crafts has reached 2000 signatures. Let’s not stop

The Urgent Appeal for Italian Artistic Craftsmanship has been delivered to the Government: a cry of pain and alert from the sector, which has been deeply in crisis for some time due to the consequences of the health emergency.

To sign the petition also about 50 protagonists of excellence of Italian craftsmanship, master owners of historic activities, joined by 60 distinguished supporters, authoritative names from the world of culture, journalism, business, design, art, who care about the future of artistic craftsmanship. A productive world unique for its cultural value, the foundation of the best Made in Italy.

The explicit request is to intervene urgently to save the sector with a series of important and practical initiatives, which will allow the stores and small businesses not to die. In order to face the long period of crisis that has already passed and that is ahead of them, the masters of art absolutely need more certainty and more liquidity, not through credit lines, but non-refundable, to ferry their activities beyond the worst moment of the crisis and to be able to keep their businesses open.

The Promoters are spreading the Appeal on a social level, publishing the testimonies of the prestigious supporters: a precious anthology of short writings full of love for Italy and for its high and inimitable know-how. Our country can not abandon its “Living Treasures” in this moment of crisis so serious and deep: it would mean resigning to lose their soul and identity, what makes us unique and admired throughout the world.

The Appeal is open for subscription on Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, Associazione OMA-Osservatorio dei Mestieri d’Arte and Associazione Fatti ad Arte invite everyone to sign it, to support our craftsmanship and bring its voice to the Institutions.

Let’s not stop, the petition to safeguard Made in Italy is still open!

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