Il Forcolaio Matto

Piero Dri has been performing one of Venice’s most traditional and oldest crafts, that is, the remèr, the artisan who makes the typical Venetian forcolas, the rowlocks in which the gondolier’s oar rests, for 15 years. After a few years of training, he started his own workshop in 2013, the Forcolaio Matto, where every day, surrounded by walnut trunks, wood shavings and dust, he builds several forcola models by hand and personalised, for gondoliers, private clients and Veneto-style rowing clubs, not only local but also international clubs. Artistic objects in their own right,  which also make lovely sculptures or furnishing pieces, even collectible items.

Il Forcolaio Matto

Monday to Friday 9 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 6 pm
- +39 041 8778823 - +39 348 2528611 -

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Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Squero San Trovaso

The age-old Squero di San Trovaso has been the place where traditional Venetian boats, in particular, gondolas, the city’s symbol all over the world, have been built and repaired since the 1600s. A magical place where Lorenzo, the current squerariól and owner, has been working for about thirty years. Considering how often these fascinating boats […]


Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Le fórcole

Saverio Pastor, the brains and soul behind Le fórcole, is the senior member of the group of Venetian rowers and the trusted supplier of gondoliers and Veneto-style rowing lovers from all over the world since 1981. At his workshop, together with Pietro Meneghini, he makes beech and ramin-wood oars, walnut, pear and cherry wood rowlocks […]


Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Studio d’Arte Tipografica di Leboroni

For more than 30 years Mariaelisa Leboroni has been using the woodcut technique, an art born in China three thousand years ago and that continues to live on in the Perugia workshop. In the artistic print studio original prints, books, stationery and games are made as well as bookplates, engraved on wood, printed with old […]


Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Fratelli Pascucci 1826

The Stamperia Pascucci is an ancient workshop that has been producing extremely refined hand-printed fabrics, made with care and originality, since 1826. The printing technique has been the same for seven generations: wooden stencils, impregnated with colours, are placed on the cloth and hit with a mallet. So, little by little, tablecloths and curtains are […]

Gambettola (FC)