Squero San Trovaso

The age-old Squero di San Trovaso has been the place where traditional Venetian boats, in particular, gondolas, the city’s symbol all over the world, have been built and repaired since the 1600s. A magical place where Lorenzo, the current squerariól and owner, has been working for about thirty years. Considering how often these fascinating boats need maintenance, as the average lifespan is about fifty years, repairing constitutes a significant part of the activity. But the Squero also builds new boats, usually one per year. The building of a gondola, in fact, takes two to three months of non-stop work and 280 pieces of wood from eight different essences. No preliminary design or drawing, all the knowledge is handed down from one generation to the next, just like Lorenzo is doing with his son Alberto.

Squero San Trovaso

Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm by appointment
- http://www.squerosantrovaso.com

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Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Le fórcole

Saverio Pastor, the brains and soul behind Le fórcole, is the senior member of the group of Venetian rowers and the trusted supplier of gondoliers and Veneto-style rowing lovers from all over the world since 1981. At his workshop, together with Pietro Meneghini, he makes beech and ramin-wood oars, walnut, pear and cherry wood rowlocks […]


Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Il Forcolaio Matto

Piero Dri has been performing one of Venice’s most traditional and oldest crafts, that is, the remèr, the artisan who makes the typical Venetian forcolas, the rowlocks in which the gondolier’s oar rests, for 15 years. After a few years of training, he started his own workshop in 2013, the Forcolaio Matto, where every day, […]


Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Antica Tipografia Biagini

Tipografia Biagini is an artisan printing workshop, one of the last in Europe still using movable lead types. It makes use of twentieth-century machines to print business and wedding cards, but also bookplates, according to the technique handed down by master printer Gino Biagini. Since the fifties, the print shop has been also a publishing […]


Miscellaneous and curios
Gondolas and forcolas

Barbieri Edizioni d’Arte

Barbieri Edizioni d’Arte has been carrying on the fascinating tradition of artisan printing in Florence since 1948. Deep knowledge of the paper-transformation process and passion for paper creations have made it one of the leading companies in the graphics and printing field. The company specializes in  letterpress printing, relief engraving, lithography and hot stamping. It […]
