Bottega della cartapesta

Santino Merico has been working in his Lecce workshop since 1982. There he creates sacred figures, performs restoration work and creates various objects. He makes his pieces on a base, a mannequin made of straw and iron, then covers it in papier maché and delicately paints it. Together with the wide range of products already made, the customer can request customized personal models, from small statuettes to furnishing articles. Merico has won a number of awards for his works, which are filled with local tradition and the artistic spirit of this skilful craftsman.

Bottega della cartapesta

Monday to Sunday from 8:30 am to 12 pm, and from 4 pm to 9 pm
Via degli Acaya, 1, Lecce, LE, Italia - +39 389 6798013

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Decorative Arts

Cartapesta di Marco Epicochi

Lecce and papier-mâché, a combination whose origins date back to the distant 1700s, today is revived in the workshop of Marco Epicochi, multi-talented artist and teacher. Marco embraces and makes the Lecce tradition his own, creating splendid statues of various sizes, made with skill and care, and characterized by his unmistakable style and unique expressiveness. […]


Decorative Arts

Mario Di Donfrancesco

Mario Di Donfrancesco creates unique works in his papier maché workshop in Lecce. Qualified by the Superintendency of Fine Arts, he also does delicate restoration work. A considerable number of his restored and newly made works can be found in various parts of Italy, Malta, Germany, the United States, and France. Di Donfrancesco produces a […]


Decorative Arts

La Cartapesta di Rosaria Pallara

A stone’s throw from the Cathedral of Lecce, in the courtyard of a charming sixteenth century building, you can admire the beautiful papier maché creations of Rosaria Pallara, expert artisan, who, fully respecting the Lecce tradition, creates statues and objects of various kinds, from the sacred to the profane. Some of her most outstanding pieces, […]


Decorative Arts

Bottega della cartapesta

Santino Merico has been working in his Lecce workshop since 1982. There he creates sacred figures, performs restoration work and creates various objects. He makes his pieces on a base, a mannequin made of straw and iron, then covers it in papier maché and delicately paints it. Together with the wide range of products already […]
