Studio Kinoki di Luca Riccioni

After years of experience in television and film, and later in collaboration with major directors and directors of photography, Luca Riccioni opened Kinoki Studio in 1994, in Civitavecchia. Specializing in corporate and ceremony photography, he simultaneously pursued these two sectors with his own way of seeing, recounting factories, people, objects, but also stories. Since the early 2000s he has also been involved in training courses, with the aim of passing on his culture of language and expression through images.

Studio Kinoki di Luca Riccioni

Monday to Friday from 10 am to 8 pm
Via Fratelli Cervi, 11, Civitavecchia, RM, Italia - +39 0766 543454

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Miscellaneous and curios

Fumisteria Vigorelli

Antique or ultramodern fireplaces, in marble, wood, cast iron and stone, electric, gas or alcohol-fueled, just steps away from the San Lorenzo Columns. Now run by the founding family’s fourth-generation members, the business was started in the late 1800s. Today, Giuseppe Vigorelli, his wife Marisa, the daughter Barbara and the son Federico welcome customers from […]


Miscellaneous and curios

Rapa Giovanni

The distillery was founded by Giovanni Rapa, a man of many interests and talents, in 1880 in Valle Cervo, where it is still located today. Its main product was and is the original black cherry ratafià of Andorno, one of the oldest and most characteristic liquors of Piedmont. In addition to black cherry ratafià, the […]

Andorno Micca (BI)

Miscellaneous and curios

Fratelli Pascucci 1826

The Stamperia Pascucci is an ancient workshop that has been producing extremely refined hand-printed fabrics, made with care and originality, since 1826. The printing technique has been the same for seven generations: wooden stencils, impregnated with colours, are placed on the cloth and hit with a mallet. So, little by little, tablecloths and curtains are […]

Gambettola (FC)

Miscellaneous and curios

Squero San Trovaso

The age-old Squero di San Trovaso has been the place where traditional Venetian boats, in particular, gondolas, the city’s symbol all over the world, have been built and repaired since the 1600s. A magical place where Lorenzo, the current squerariól and owner, has been working for about thirty years. Considering how often these fascinating boats […]
