Pia Virgilio

Restoring works of art requires perhaps even more sensitivity, skill and patience than creating them. Pia Virgilio specializes in aesthetic and preservative restoration of terracotta, majolica, porcelain and biscuit objects, stoneware and enameled metal. After having studied at the famous Ballardini Institute of Faenza (a land known for its long-standing pottery-making tradition), Pia began working mostly on Renaissance majolicaware and eighteenth-century chinaware, then extending her field of interest to the restoration of twentieth-century artistic ceramics and working as a consultant for AXA-Art, FAI and the Fausto Melotti Foundation.

Pia Virgilio

Monday to Saturday by appointment
Via Santa Maria Fulcorina, 20, Milano, MI, Italia - ph. +39 02 72023836 / +39 347 9439788 - http://www.piavirgilio.it

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The workshop specializes in the restoration of wooden furniture and objects by combining the use of age-old techniques, artisan craftsmanship, the most advanced methods and latest market developments, such as the microwave woodworm treatment, one of its strengths. The expertise and skills of Federica Foppiani, Elisa Italiano and Federica Magli allow the workshop to cover […]



Paola Villa – Restauro Dipinti

Paolo Villa has been operating in the field of preservation and restoration of decorated surfaces and personal properties of historical-artistic interest since 1987. The firm’s staff is made up of qualified technicians who have been working with passion, attention and care for many years, always in step with the latest developments. Paola Villa  has been […]



Laura Menegotto

Laura Menegotto si occupa di conservazione e restauro di dipinti su tela, tavola, rame e opere policrome. Dopo anni di bottega e cantieri di restauro, nel 1997 apre il suo laboratorio a Milano, all’interno della suggestiva corte settecentesca di palazzo Fagnani Ronzoni. Ogni operazione è realizzata con metodi differenziati a seconda delle tecniche artistiche. L’attenzione […]



Salvioli Nicola

A skilled restorer and an expert in the field of metalwork, Nicola Savioli trained at a very special school, Florence’s Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Raised in a family of artisans, he soon developed a remarkable artistic feeling, in particular, a passion for metal objects, which today he restores by combining the use of old and […]

Borgo Albizi, 15 presso Palazzo Degli Alessandri - Firenze