Salvioli Nicola

A skilled restorer and an expert in the field of metalwork, Nicola Savioli trained at a very special school, Florence’s Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Raised in a family of artisans, he soon developed a remarkable artistic feeling, in particular, a passion for metal objects, which today he restores by combining the use of old and modern techniques at his workshop, along with everyday use and historic artefacts of all periods, as well as small pieces of jewelry, arms and suits of armour, leather armour and big monuments. He works both in Italy and abroad, for public institutions and major private foundations.

Salvioli Nicola

Monday to Saturday by appointment
- +39 329 2311750 -

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Olivastri Renato

The neighborhood of Santo Spirito, which together with San Frediano hosts antique dealers and the finest craftsmen in Florence is certainly full of charm, just as the Olivastri shop is, where the craftsmen restore works in wood, antique furniture and inlaid pieces as well as frames, candlesticks, polychrome statues and paintings on wood. In the […]



Laura Menegotto

Laura Menegotto si occupa di conservazione e restauro di dipinti su tela, tavola, rame e opere policrome. Dopo anni di bottega e cantieri di restauro, nel 1997 apre il suo laboratorio a Milano, all’interno della suggestiva corte settecentesca di palazzo Fagnani Ronzoni. Ogni operazione è realizzata con metodi differenziati a seconda delle tecniche artistiche. L’attenzione […]



Studio Polloni

The workshop is currently restoring artwork for Florence’s Opera del Duomo Museum and about thirty of the Basilica’s stained-glass windows have been restored by the workshop’s highly experienced and skillful artisans. Not only does the workshop take care of precious artwork, but has a number of private customers and produces new stained-glass windows, both big […]



Moleria Locchi

Art, passion and skill have been the basic ingredients of this workshop in the heart of Florence’s Oltrarno area for over a century, since the late 1800s. In this workshop, renowned worldwide for the restoration of precious glass and crystal objects, glassware is carefully studied and restored to its original splendor by using old grinding […]
